Mixed canebrake
Mixed cane brake occurs in valleys and gulleys in the wetter regions of Myanmar, where rainfall is over about 2,500 mm per year, particularly in Tanintharyi and Kayin. It occurs as a dense thicket of canes, palms and bamboos (Platt et al., 2001; Stamp, 1924b;. Kress et al., 2003).
Assessment summary
Cane brake ecosystems in Myanmar were first recorded nearly a century ago, but remain almost entirely unstudied. Reviews of the literature and our remote sensing analyses suggest they are fairly restricted, but they do not meet any category thresholds for range size and are listed as Least Concern under Criterion B. An assessment of a composite variable, the Forest Landscape Integrity Index, which synthesises a wide range of drivers known to cause biotic disruption, suggests the ecosystem is Least Concern. Least Concern.